Monday, September 15, 2008


Centuries have passed since humans have proclaimed themselves as the most intelligent and omnipotent species that walk on the earth. And what not did we pursue in these few million years of evolution. One of the most prominent inventions of man can be dated back to 3500B.C., being "the wheel". Since then, there has been no looking back. Electricity, plastic, cement, paper, incandescent lights, ballpoint pen, roads, microscope, telephone, television, automobiles, satellites, computers, www., penicillin, insulin, pacemakers, contraceptives, ECG, space shuttles, rockets, aeroplanes, sky scrapers, multiplexes, escalators, coffee machines and on goes the list. You name it, and we 've got it!

In every genre of our daily life, the contributions of great inventors and inventions has been inevitable. Be it medicine, climate, travel, communication, education, cooking, security, house-keeping, entertainment(of course) or any other aspect of life, man has made a tremendous progress providing 'tools' for a better life.

Having said all that, i probably cannot turn a blind eye to the other side of the coin.
Where man has discovered the presence of ozone layer as a protective blanket around earth, man has also invented the so called "ozone holes".
Global warming, a phenomenon being largely aggravated by human activity in recent years is reaching its destructive threshold, and i know it sounds cliched but hardly anybody is "doing something about it".
Ball bearings..a relatively commonplace object....see how innovatively they are being used these days. On one side, they provide friction-free movement and on the other side, man is making weapons with them to kill another man...and for what?? Huh..who knows!

All in all....this is what man has made out of life.

But i am not complaining..cos i ve got no right to...
At the end of the day, i am one of the 6.7 billion people in the whole wide world,
who genuinely bother about anything but their own trivial world and aspects pertaining to it....
And i am writing this to say how ashamed i am of being so selfish regardless of the things happening around me...

Bhavya Karne

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I just wish.......

July 3rd, 2008.
Might have passed like just another day had i not...........

But nevermind..i guess there is nothing called 'just another day'....
As i always say..
Everyday leaves some incidents which makes you a different person tomorrow....

I just wish it makes me less vulnerable...
I just wish it teaches me not to make the same mistakes....
Huh..after all... i just wish it makes me a better person than yesterday....

But again... how bitchy life is..... merely wishing doesn't fetch fruits....
One has to exhaust every damned cell in his body to get what he actually wants....

Now...ill go to bed.....
Wishing that all my wishes come true...
Wishing that only wishing is enough.......

P.S.:don't bother about the shit i wrote in there..... just have a nice sleep..... goodnight.......
And ya...... don't forget to wish........ ;)

Lots of love...
Bhavya karne.

Monday, June 30, 2008

How would you feel if a pair of eyes stare at you when you go to bed...

How would you feel if a face observes you while you are alone at home...

How would you feel if an unknown man follows you wherever you matter where.....

How would you feel if your life is serving as an uncut, uncensored story to someone..24 x 7....

scared?? helpless??? horrified?? nauseating??
silly?? stupid?? foolish??? funny????

I felt all of them at once......
It is an episode in my life which i would love to forget..but might not be able to......
stress hormones were on a high..muscles under constant tension....reduced attention span..
tachycardia..insomnia.. what not!!

With all these happening in my body, i saw a man, dressed in a black coat and a small blue hat..
looking at me all the time... peeping from behind the curtains or a wall....
or simply standing in front of the door and staring..... just staring.....
dark face like a stone with no expression..the only striking feature being the pair of blood shot eyes...eager to take in what they are seeing..every second..just absorbing the content..
as if to keep a watch.. to know... know everything about me.....

I was terrified... to an extent that i spent many sleepless nights looking around my room to make sure he was not there...and i found him..wherever i saw...every corner of the room.....
I vacated my room and started sleeping in mom's room....thought it could set things right....
but there he was again....with the pair of eyes boring into me.... i closed the doors and could feel him standing right in front of the door....with his gaze fixed to the door as if expecting to see me the moment it opens....It was like living with him all through the day....yet not knowing anything about him....

It was hard.. hard to breathe... hard to think of anything but him looking at me...
hard not to scream...not to cry....not to become least outwardly.....
And it was hard to avoid.....forget....adjust....adapt....or get over with....

I lost something which was more essential to a man than oxygen or water...
to live...not merely exist....
I lost my peace of mind.......

Days they would never change.........
But like everything else in the world, they had to......
Life teaches us to realize.. to accept... to change..
and to live a better tomorrow.......

And the fact that i'm writing this here..
with a relatively sound body, mind and soul proves that right.........

P.S.: hope i dint bore you.... this is my first.... so.........

Bhavya Karne